Legacy Planning

Leave your Legacy
Donor-Advised Funds
Setting up Endowments
Charitable Planning
Pooled Income Funds
Charitable Plan / Life Insurance


Avoid running out of money
Create a retirement budget
Maximize Social Security
Manage Your Taxes
Create a retirement plan
Consider an annuity


Guaranteed income
Safe returns
Tax-deferred Growth
Long-term care benefits
No fees


Income replacement
Financial protection
Access to cash
Peace of mind
Key Employee
Tax advantages

Long-Term Care

Shoulders the burden of care
Less family worry & stress
Ease Financial Responsibility
Professional Medical Care
Protect your assets


Life insurance requires a compassionate and nurturing approach. Women agents, often known for their empathy and understanding, can tailor financial plans that truly care for the well-being of loved ones, providing peace of mind in the event of a loss.


Detail-oriented and strategic, women agents excel in crafting annuities to plan, grow, and protect financial security. Their ability to focus on the fine details ensures that the benefits of tax-deferred growth and lifetime income are harnessed to best serve individual needs and goals.


The intuitive and adaptable nature of women agents lends itself to the dynamic world of retirement planning. As careers and financial needs change, they are adept at shifting strategies and ensuring that clients can enjoy retirement without worrying about outliving their income.

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”
— Ayn Rand

About Us

Donna Lollis
President - Capsur Women

Capsur Insurance Services boasts over 100 years of combined experience, with a strong presence of women professionals known for their nurturing guidance and insightful strategies. If you are looking to grow your business, you have come to the right place.

We provide a variety of services for our clients and independent agents, leveraging the empathetic and collaborative approach that women in our team bring. Offering competitive products and rewarding our most loyal agents, Capsur creates an environment where the detail-oriented and communicative qualities of women enhance our offerings. With us, the opportunity for success is not just a possibility; it's a commitment, and it's right around the corner.

How Can We Help You?